Sunday, December 12, 2010


I am a little bit excited about how Austin's nighttime sleeping is going lately. When we first brought him home he was difficult to put to bed. There were many nights were we would start to put him to bed around 9:30 and he wouldn't be down until close to midnight. Then would be up around 2 and again at 5. To say the least we were super tired, which is to be expected with a newborn. Then as the weeks progressed he would become easier to put to bed at would go down around 8ish and then we would wake him for a feeding right before we went to bed and he would get up at 2 and 5. A few weeks ago he stopped waking up for the 2am feeding.  AND last night he went to sleep at 8:00, we did a feeding at 10:00 and he slept until 6am!!!!! woohoo for us. I was so excited that he slept that long, even though I told Mike this morning that we got 7 hours of uninterupted sleep and I still didn't feel rested. I think I'm going to need 3 days of sleep before I'll feel well rested again. HA. But I just wanted to share that my 2 month old son slept 7 hours last night. I'm feeling pretty darn good about that.