Sunday, September 19, 2010


So for another update with what's been going on with the baby...I still have "too" much fluid, so they have continued to monitor it every other week with ultrasounds. On October 10th they kicked up the ultrasounds to weekly and started doing what's called NST every Tuesday and Friday. NST is fetal non-stress tests, where they strap two belt type things over my tummy to measure the babies heart rate and any contractions that I'm having. On October 10th they did the first NST, when the Dr came in the room she saw that I was having contractions...upon which I told her was nothing new. I have been having contractions that I can feel since July. I talked to the specialist about it when we saw him and he looked at my cervix to see if these contractions were producing any change, and they were not so he wasn't concerned about it. Well, I told the Dr. that these contractions were nothing new for me, that it was no different than any other day but she was still concerned. So she did a Fetal Fibronectin Test and a pelvic exam to look at my cervix. Fetal fibronectin is a protein that acts as a "glue" attaching the amniotic sac to the lining of the uterus. When the Fetal Fibronectin Test comes back positive it means that this "glue" has been disturbed and you are at increased risk of preterm labor. When it comes back negative it means that there is a 99% chance that you will NOT be delivering in the next two weeks. So she tested me for that and looked at my cervix, where she determined that I was dialated to 1cm. The test results would take about an hour to get back, so I was sent on my merry way.

Well the test can back positive and she promptly told me to head to labor and delivery at the hospital to be treated for preterm labor. WOW, that was a shock! So off we went...they hooked me up to the NST machine at the hospital and continued to monitor the contractions. Plus they gave me a shot of terbutaline, a drug that is supposed to reduce or stop the contractions. It did a bit, and they decided that they wanted to check me in overnight to watch me and see what else could be done. So I spent the night at the hospital with them monitoring the contractions and giving me higher and higher doses of another drug called nifedipine which is taken orally. They of course got the contractions to less that 6 an hour and sent me home with instructions to take the pills every 4 hours and to be on modified "bedrest" for 2 weeks. The reason for the pills and the bedrest is that they want me to carry the baby to at least 36 weeks, that way his lungs are able to have the best chance if born after that. They say that babies born before 36 weeks most likely have to spend time in the NICU, and they don't want that, and nor do I.

So I've been home now for a week and don't really feel any different than I did the day I went into the Dr but I'm following orders. Since being in the hospital I have had two more Dr appointments where they hooked me up to the NST machine and both times there were contractions that it measured. They looked at my cervix to see if there had been any change and said that they were pleased with where things were, that as long as I kept up with the bedrest and taking my meds I should be go to go. So other than being totally bored out of my mind at home things are going good. I have another ultrasound next week where they will measure the baby again to see how big he is, and will check on the fluid levels. But I only have one more week of "bedrest" and pill taking then I can go back to work and on with normal life until this little guy decides to show up.

I've been trying to get prepared in terms of supplies....diapers, wipes, baby clothes washed ect....just in case he does come right away after I quit taking the meds. It's kinda hard to do while on "bedrest" but I'm doing the best I can. So that's the latest news on baby Peck, he's healthy and I feel just fine so I guess all is well. So again I'll try and keep you all updated on the progress of this CRAZY pregnancy.

We did get more ultrasound photos to show you all though, this one is another one looking at his face straight on, you can see one hand touching his left eye area and one right under his chin...super stinkin' cute if you ask me, but I'm kinda partial...oh and I'm pretty sure you can see some hair

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