Saturday, January 29, 2011

An Update

As I sit here on my bed listening to my little munchkin making all kinds of noise in his crib before he falls asleep for a nap I realize that so many of you have no idea how things have been going for him and I just wanted to give a quick update.

We went to his two month appointment way back at the beginning of December (yes, forever ago) and he did great. He weighed in at 11 lbs 8 oz and was 24 inches long. Got his first round of shots and all that jazz.

Christmas came and went, he was such a trooper. Kinda gave us all looks like what the heck are these things that you keep putting in front of me.

He's been getting so big lately. I swear this kid is close to crawling, which I'm sure you're thinking no way but seriously you lay him on his belly and he gets his legs up underneath him and pushes his butt right up in the air. I'm not really looking forward to him being mobile, I really like this little child who smiles and laughs at me but I'm scared to death of the child who is going to be moving around all crazy like. He's going to get into EVERYTHING, I just know it!!!

Now for the serious stuff. He has been sounding pretty phlegmy when he breathes, especially right after he eats. Our regular doctor said that he didn't like that he couldn't figure out why he sounded like that (we had a chest xray done) so he sent us off to a pediatric ear nose and throat specialist. When we went to her for the first appointment she put a tube with a camera down his nose as far as she could go and said that everything was fine, but she wanted to see further down into his throat. She thought that there may be some scaring down by his vocal chords from the ventilator that they put in right when he was born. In order for her to see that far down there he would have to be put under anesthesia. So it was scheduled for Monday the 10th of January.

He was such a good boy, we weren't allowed to feed him at all that morning. I thought for sure he would be a total grouch but he really was great. When she came out to the waiting room after the procedure she told us that she had found what is called a type one larynx cleft. Which means that the flap that closes off his airway was too long and not sealing properly and when he would eat he would aspirate (food would go down into his airway). She did the surgery to fix it while she was in there and said that this will solve the problem.

The poor little guy had a really hard time coming out of the anesthesia, he was all lost and disoriented. But after he came to and was able to eat he was his same old self, happy as could be. We had to thicken his milk so that he wouldn't choke on it and he did have to stay the night in the hospital for observation but other than that things went great.

At home we were told to still thicken his milk and he had to take a nebulizer breathing treatment and some prevacid. He did very well taking all of the medication.

Last Thursday we went back into the ENT's (ear nose and throat specialist) office and she looked him over. She said that he looks great even though he still sounds very phlegmy. She said this is par for the course with that kind of surgery. He basically needs to relearn how to swallow. He will have to go to swallow therapy, and you ask what will they do and honestly I'm not sure, even she laughed and said "I don't know what they do but whatever it is it works." So they will contact us next week and we will set up an appointment for that and he is also to continue taking the prevacid but doesn't have to keep doing the nebulizer treatments anymore. He also still needs to have his feeds thickened and we can wean him off of that as soon as he can handle it. Hopefully with all of this we can get the little guy to normal. I feel so bad that he had figured out how to eat with a faulty system and then we fix it and he has to relearn how to do it.

But through all of this he is still a very happy baby and just lights up our little world. We very much enjoy this stage of his life. He has been so fun. I know that it will only get better but we are savoring every minute!!!

I'm sorry that it took me so long to get out another post...things have just been crazy. I'll try and keep things updated on more of a regular time schedule.

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